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Mystery Shopping Programs

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Definition and justification for mystery shopping programs
“Mystery Shopping" is defined by the “Mystery Shopping Providers Association ” as the practice of using shoppers who have been specially briefed and trained to anonymously evaluate customer service, operations, merchandising, product quality, and in special cases, employee integrity.
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Tracks competitive activity and customer motivations
Competition within the services industry is fierce. Often banks, hospitality industry, insurance companies and hospitals, telecommunication companies, hotels, fuel service stations go after the same business, spending vast sums to woo customers.
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Measures performance
And yet, there is a reliable way to gather hard data - mystery shopping can be a highly effective tool for improving customer service and sales performance.
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How Mystery Shopping compares with other research approaches.
All methods of research provide valuable market analyses. Where mystery shopping programs have the edge, however, is in providing detailed specifics on performance behaviors of customer contact personnel. In short, mystery shopping helps institutions get in touch with the realities of the customers' experience.
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Membership & Affiliations

SuperBrand Solutions Consult is the first and currently the only agency to specialize in mystery shopping in Ghana and the first Ghanaian member of Mystery Shopping Providers Association.



  • ZAIN
  • GT Bank
  • Stanchart
  • Zenithbank
  • UT Bank
  • Stanbic Bank
  • La Palm Royale
  • Nestle Proffessional
* All logos, names and trademarks are of their respective owners and are acknowledged.